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in reply to chowzburgerz

/pol/ and its ilk aside, 4chan in general is a lot more centrist or outright liberal than one would expect. 4chan's only real political belief in terms of others is "okay, just don't be obnoxious about it." It's just that nowadays, liberalism is considered the norm, which means that there are a lot more people (especially on Tumblr) who hold liberal beliefs and are open and obnoxious about them. It's why 4chan was a lot more leftist in the early aughts, when conservatism was the norm.

And of course, porn boards are leftist as fuck, because most conservative ideals frown on any kind of pornography that's any damn fun to watch.


in reply to Tentacles

It's not SJWy in itself. The thing is that it uses a lot of elements that they are advocating for, and I dig that, most of them are indeed refreshing and it's nice to have a more open show about gay, black and things like that. If a serie wants to do that, and does it in a subtle and clever way without pushing the "It's gay therefore it's good, shitlord" usual shit, then I can't say anything against it

As much as I have a distaste for SJWs, I can't disagree with their fundamental values, only their methods which oftend tend to be clumsy, ridiculous when not downright promoting racism/sexism

I'm gonna quote a random guy I saw once in a comment section, "Let's not become so anti-Social Justice Warriors that we become Anti Social Justice"


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