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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

Amusingly I finished playing Far Cry 4 recently.

One of the big things in that game is it turns out Pagan Min wasn't really the "true villain" the whole time, in reality Sabal and Amita were pretty bad too because they represented the extreme opposite ends of helping extremists (Sabal representing an ultra conservative who believes retaining traditional religions and societal values is the only way to live, and anyone who betrays these values deserves to die, Amita representing a more ultra liberal view of wanting to abandon any signs of her own culture and wanting to turn Kyrat into a military state, including selling drugs to foreign lands to finance the government and forcing children into the military against their will).

Plus Min reveals that he really wasn't that bad of a guy long ago, and truly loved Ajay's mother, Ishwari. In fact he loved her more than Ajay's real father, Mohan, did, as Mohan was willing to whore his wife for the sake of trying to get closer to Min, and when Min had a child through Ishwari, Mohan killed the infant child and then tried to kill Ishwari and Ajay because he was blinded by rage, which is what really prompted Ishwari to flee to the United States. And it was because of Mohan killing his child that Min came to truly despise the Golden Path, and for good reason. So basically Mohan's actions are what caused Min to become a despot in the first place.

Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

in reply to Imperator-Rex

Yep. Someone mentioned that a DLC idea Ubisoft should have done is one that takes advantage of the secret third ending if you actually wait 10 minutes for Min to return at the beginning of the game. An alternate campaign where you side with Min and take out the Golden Path, basically a more clear cut “evil path” kinda like the new content that was added into the special edition of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.


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