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Pretty much, yes.

Not even sure why this is seen as a gender-related issue, to be honest. I saw the movie's trailer recently and it was just… painful. Just slightly above Adam Sandler-level comedy, and Ghostbusters is 90% about the comedy, so the problem is THAT, not the female cast.


in reply to Nedhitis

It's seen as a gender-related issue because the film's marketing department and various media outlets made it one when they started playing up the all-female cast as a signature feature of the reboot because Feminism is popular* with the hip* kids* these days.

Which set a lot of people off, and sure, some of them out there are probably sexist twerps because those exist, but for most of us it was this moment of "…and?" because we, y'know. Don't actually think there's anything special about the gender of the cast because equality, so seeing a film billed as "This thing you liked but with women!" doesn't actually sound like anything substantive. It's barely less absurd than if they'd told us they'd be doing Ghostbusters "But with dudes!"

And then they started showing the /rest/ of what they had going on, which basically revealed it to be a low-quality Rule-63 fan*-fic authored by someone who thought they were funnier than the original writers when they kinda really weren't and shot by people with a morbidly obese fx budget.

So far, they'd honestly have been better off just recasting with the original script.


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