Melania Trump Speech | Trump Is Playing 4D Chess | Know Your Meme
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13088 Views Created 7 years ago By Don • Updated 3 years ago

Created By Don • Updated 3 years ago

Anonymous (ID: zgWafymD) 07/19/16(Tue)02:17:19 No.81715177 You shills are mighty stupid. Trump is literally trolling the entire internet with his wife's speech right now. A few sentences of the first paragraph of a 17 minute speech happens to have similarities to Michelle Obama's speech. Over 50 media outlets have already posted the entire speech or part or the video to point this out. This is classic Trump free media. Her message is now out in full even on liberal media sites. He has put forward a half truth / error and is fully aware of the error knowing he will get publicity for it. The opposition (The media) quickly quickly moves to re-announce his message and then are blasting him for it. People will go watch the entire speech themselves. The opposition reinforces the idea to the public (for him) an issue that he was trying to reinforce (By making people read the speech and by placing Michelle Obama's name into headlines, further cementing the idea Melania will be the first lady) If anyone has ever read the books Art of the Deal or How to get Rich Trump literally tells you how to plant a story like this in the media >-8171 5309 # >-8171 5810 # > Trump purposefully does this to get his wife free publicity >he specifically chose Michelle Obama to plagiarize so they will be shown side by side in the media >people start subconsciously considering them BOTH first ladies >he gets the whole nation "thinking past the sale" and subconsciously presuming he'll be president



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