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RWBY - AU where everything is the same except Cinder killed Jaune instead of Pyrrha

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Cardin Winchester
Cardin Winchester

Actually with Jaune's luck he might have won. Hear me out.

Ok, so Jaune climbs up onto the tower after he somehow manages to get Pyrrha away and is immediately assaulted by cruel remarks and mockery, after a few moments of jeering Jaune, Cinder proceeds to beat the crap out of him… but hears the kicker. He hasn't fought at all aside from the moment Cinder bashes him away with her flame power so his Aura is at full… he lasts a lot longer than she thought. He even scores a few hits in which pisses her off. However he is ultimately beaten down and near death. Cinder readies her bow and arrow to complete her final act, until the rest of the hunters storms the tower killing her and saving Jaune at the same time. The maiden's power leaves and goes finds someone else. And then all the kingdom focuses fire on the dragon killing it. They then go on a hunting spree to find Salem and her and of misfits. The end.


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