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Nintendo Switch - Nothing makes me chuckle more than shitposters BTFO of "professional game journalists"

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Imageboards have basically become more trustworthy sources of information than actual journalists and media. Just… take that in for a second.
Some anon on a cantonese basket-weaving forum is more likely to give you accurate information than people who are paid to tell you accurate information.


Because most game journalists arent real journalists. they are bloggers. 99% of video game journalism is blogging

some of that is because of the nature of this particular field. they cant be journalists or they risk not being able to easily report on companies and games. if they arent spoon fed that info then their job would be, like, hard or something. Right now they get to go to cushy events in nice hotels, get fed nice foods get free nice things and all they have to do for those things is write a few positively spinned pages on whatever game they are pushing. they wont risk that by doing actual journalism.

and some of that is because any journalist with talent, determination and drive isnt going to waste their time in fucking video game journalism, the "Walmart" of journalism jobs. they are getting either the C- Students or the people who wanted the easy job (For the most part, just like any business there are gonna be some good workers)


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