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The analysis seems to be trying to have the show look like it's purposefully going at SJW concepts and the like, but I don't think that's the case.

All in all, it's as they say below that. The characters are all just very well written and given flaws. That they are taken and picked apart by the SJW crowd seems more like a coincidence while the show is just trying to tell an interesting and deep story.


While I do think that anon's descriptions of the Crystal Gems sound a bit mean, they're pretty accurate. One thing that he didn't mention, though, is that despite how flawed they all are, they tend to cover each other's mistakes. The most obvious example of this is the relationship between Amethyst and Pearl, but there are others.
Also, I wouldn't put Garnet and Amethyst into the "maternal" category. I see Amethyst as more of a sister, whereas Garnet is more of an aunt or grandmother. And, in traditional family structures, the same checks and balances I mentioned above would probably come into place in much the same way. A grandparent might provide wisdom, a parent would probably enforce mindfulness and etiquette, and a sibling would encourage freedom.
So in addition to all that stuff that anon said, I think the show does a great job of portraying a realistic family pretty well. Their flaws would make them terrible single-parents; as a full family, though, it helps them fit together and learn from each other (and in turn, Steven learns from them as well).


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