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iCarly - iCarly was a great show. Not gonna lie

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PYRO Beatrice
PYRO Beatrice

Nah man, iCarly was trash. There were moments that reminded me of older Nickelodeon sitcoms that make me laugh, but overall the show was pretty bad.

The Fred episode was the absolute worst. The whole episode was basically "Freddie says he doesn't like Fred, so Fred quits doing his show forever, which causes Freddie's entire school to turn against him and bully him into submission and forcing him to apologize to Fred, where Fred admits he quit as a prank, meaning Freddie suffered for literally nothing, and has to pretend to like something he doesn't so everyone doesn't hate him. The end."

I mean, someone wrote that episode, someone read that episode, they filmed the episode, edited it, aired it, and thought the whole time "yeah this is fine".


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