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in reply to QuarteredPen

the reason soldiers are given less flak for shooting civilians is because in a warzone there is little room to determine if the person approaching you is a threat, especially against insurgant organizations like ISIS have zero qualms about using civilians, Non-combatants, and even children as weapons. One of my friends who was military told me a story about how two children approached his base and were ordered to stand still at gunpoint. The first one complied but the other one kept walking and was shot. The other child revealed that both children had bomb vests on them and an insurgant soldier was watching from a rooftop for them to get into position to cause damage (or if they tried to run away). Thankfully the other kid managed to be saved as a sniper on the base was able to spot the insurgant watching them and took him out so they could remove the vest.

When you're a soldier any mistake can lead to several deaths, you have to walk on eggshells and when in a combat zone everything that's not a soldier on your side is to be treated as a threat.

Now it goes without saying that if a soldier DOES go gun crazy on civs, they get court martialled and can face prison


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