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Samurai Jack - 4chan getting philosophical on Ashi's potential role

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4chan's /Co/ really is wonderful place isn't it?
Sometimes it's a place filled with volatile, petty, crude, perverted and moronic arguments from lifeless basement dwellers about comics and cartoons, but there are moments where we get posts like this. The facade drops and we realize that like all websites /Co/ is just run by people.

People who can be angry, scared or worried about something they are passionate about not playing out its full potential. People who know these shows inside out and can improve your experience by showing you the pure unfiltered reactions and thoughts they have on a cartoon or a comic. In the end these are some of the first people who internalize and decipher the hidden messages of shows like Samurai Jack.

I really do appreciate them at times…

But then they do shit like this and my newly found respect rebounds faster than Aku's pull out game. Still love em regardless.


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