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Lord Bucketheads promises are:

-Nuclear weapons: "A firm public commitment to build the 100-billion-pound renewal of Britain's Trident weapons system, followed by an equally firm commitment, privately, not to build it. They're secret submarines, so no one will ever know. It's a win-win.

-Free bicycles for all to "combat obesity, traffic congestion, and bike theft."

-Instead of Theresa May's commitment to bring back grammar schools, Buckethead would build "gamma" schools founded on three principles: "One, better funding for teachers, to attract bright graduates. Two, increased facilities for children, especially playing fields. Three, if any child misbehaves three times, they are blasted into deep space, with the parents provided with a lovely fruit basket, by way of consolation or celebration, depending on the child. Discipline is key".

-A referendum on whether or not to have another Brexit referendum.

-Legalise the hunting of fox hunters.

-Nationalisation of Adele.

-Exile of Katie Hopkins to the Phantom Zone.


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