- Nine Years Ago, Batman Told Raphael About His Childhood Trauma
- Four Years Ago, A Man Shouted Out One Of His Favorite Genders And Became A Meme
- The 'Wesley Snipes Crying' Meme Appeared In 'New Jack City' 34 Years Ago This Very Day
- The SpongeBob Episode That Gave Us 'Ight, Imma Head Out' Aired On This Date In 2001
- Gets Brainwashed Of Same Thing Comic Has Gotten A Sequel
🎼Take on me, (take on me) Take me on, (take on me) I'll be gone🎼
Uploaded by Matt Jun 26, 2017 at 01:09PM EDT
music sean spicer twitter trump
Origin Entry: CNN White House Press Briefing Sketch
File type: png
Resolution: (661px x 489px)
File size: 277 KB
was not a supporter of the idea of a courtroom sketch artist in the white house briefing room but this is pretty good tbh
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So sketchy to not have cameras at WH briefing. So CNN sent sketch artist to capture the moment.
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CNN sent Bill Hennessy, the network's regular Supreme Court sketch artist, to the White House briefing today.
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CNN White House Press Briefing Sketch - 🎼Take on me, (take on me) Take me on, (take on me) I'll be gone🎼
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