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Todd: "Miss Fowl… This one is different! This Remastered® Nintendo Switch Version has motion controls, is rare and can be pre-ordered for a limited time, making it highly collectable!"

Cindy: "Limited time, huh? Then how come we've seen this game for pre-order every single year?"

Todd: [looks dismissively, then proceeds to arrange an XBox One X release of Skyrim with pre-order already available and boasts about it] "Nyeh-nyeh."

Cindy: ಠ‿ಠ



in reply to Raji_Lev

Hell, I'd take a Morrowind remake or Oblivion with some of Skrim's assets updating it.

Skyrim's gameplay was nice, but I preferred Oblivion's quests and world much more. And Morrowind is just hard to get into these days.


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