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So let me get this straight: T.J. Miller quit being on an Emmy Award winning show that has some of the best writing and commentary on technology of this modern era in favor of staring in a movie that was made for the sole purpose of cashing in on a stupid gimmick that will, no doubt, be irrelevant in a few years or so, just so that he will have more liberty of making more jokes about a president who has already been the butt of so many jokes by the heavily liberal media?

I don't know about you guys but I have now lost all respect for this guy. I hope he will beg HBO to get his spot back just so that they can tell him "no" and to go rot in a ditch somewhere!


in reply to MrGermanblood

I will admit that Trumps is kind of a senile old business man in the white house, but I don't think of him as this evil, white-supremacist tyrant that the far left views him as.
Also as a side note, has the liberal media actual criticized policies he has actually put in order, or has 99% of the stuff people draw attention to been memes and off-handed remarks? Because it sure feels that way.


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