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Antifa - When ideology blinds you from the difference because you're so desperate to keep business as usual g...

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Mom Rivers
Mom Rivers Moderator

1. Antifa also has a very very strong anti-capitalist contingent.
2. I couldn't find any examples of deaths caused by antifascists in that 2007-2016 timeframe after a quick search, so I'm betting the numbers are roughly right, although it is kinda misleading. The historical antifa was very violent because it was a reaction to WWII nazism and fascism, so it very likely lead to some deaths, possibly many. However, extending the timeframe that far back would lead the other column to explode in number.
3. Pretty sure antifascists, especially the less disciplined and focused types, have targeted people who were simply right-wing in the past, especially recently. Doesn't represent the group as a whole; but when it's so decentralized, what does?

David "Garsedj" Touchdown
David "Garsedj" Touchdown

It's hard to compare because antifa was made to counter fascism, it got a simple, understandable name made to be sympathetic.

1. It's composed of far left, anarchist, communists and anti-capitalists so there's an agenda behind "fighting fascism"
2. Not a big death count compared to "fascism in a broad sense" (racism, xenophobia, etc) but will happily beat up everyone they don't like
3. Antifa are completely disorganized, their hate of authority and rich people will lead them to beat up anybody including cops, rich-looking people, property and "sheeple".

I'm happy to see antifa beating up nazis but I don't support them


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