Orange Box - 10 Year Anniversary | Valve | Know Your Meme
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282 Views Created 6 years ago By Juicydeath1025 • Updated 5 years ago

Created By Juicydeath1025 • Updated 5 years ago

Orange Box Anniversa 0 Year 10 October 2007 10 October 2017 KARUUH NIA.DEVIANTART.COM
Origin Entry:



karuuhnia's Deviantart


Artist note:
Exactly ten years to the day Valve released a collection of games that have impacted me very much in these last couple of years. :love:
The main game I played was Team Fortress 2 of course, but I'm also in love with Portal and recently even got into Half Life.
So this here is my tribute to a golden time when Valve still made brilliant, innovative games.

It's a bitter-sweet celebration: You look at these great games, admire the characters, the plot and the brilliant storytelling – so it hurts all the more to see that Valve seems to have lost interest in making games.

All the genius writers are leaving Valve, the TF2 dev team has shrunken to 4-5 people, Portal 2 released 6 1/2 years ago, HL2 Episode 2 10 years ago. The potential plot of HL2 Episode 3 was revealed by the former lead writer Marc Laidlaw a couple of weeks ago, which means the game itself will most likely never be made.

It is very sad, but this is supposed to be a appreciation post. And as someone recently wrote:
"Don't be sad that it's over. Be happy that it happened."

So let's continue to support these games and show them our love! They deserve it!
Happy anniversary, Orange Box!

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