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I am AHO Right?
I am AHO Right?

in reply to BraveSirJimOfLawl

That's not the point. It's the idea that by doing some small bad thing someone most therefore be doing any large bad thing possible. It's pure slippery slope argument that leads to people obsessing over hidden cabals when there are actual confirmed problems right in front of their very eyes. This is how you get people obsessing over Alex Jones and #pizzagate or whatever at the same time the oh-so-evil MSM is very correctly noting that the Trump administration is trying to say that coal is a legitimate solution to climate change.
@Electric Dictator Bedebao
Conspiracy language, no matter how correct the idea might be, still promotes irrational thinking. It's like a hypothesis that says that because there are clouds, humans evolved from primates. The conclusion is true, but not because of the reasoning given.


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