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This is me at 14. I was in a production of Guys and Dolls. Here we're singing "Bushel and a Peck." I was not dating a 32 year old man. Who were you at...
Uploaded by Matt Nov 13, 2017 at 10:43AM EST
Origin Entry: Roy Moore Sexual Misconduct Allegations
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This is me at 14. I wasn’t dating a 32 year old male. I was riding horses, playing basketball, and trying to survive freshman year of high school. #MeAt14 #NoMoore
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This is me at 14. I was on the gymnastics team and sang in the choir. I was not dating a 32 year old man. Who were you at 14? Tweet a pic, tell us who you were and pic to the top of your page #MeAt14 #NoMoore
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I believe you and I have a duty to stand up and fight back against the forces of evil waging an all-out war on our conservative values! Our nation is at a crossroads right now — both spiritually and politically. (3/4) #ALSen
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The forces of evil will lie, cheat, steal –– even inflict physical harm –– if they believe it will silence and shut up Christian conservatives like you and me. (2/4) #ALSen
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Roy Moore Sexual Misconduct Allegations - This is me at 14. I was in a production of Guys and Dolls. Here we're singing "Bushel and a Peck." I was not dating a 32 year old man. Who were you at...
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