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Nazism - People who still claim otherwise must think the DPRK is democratic

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The Nazis where anti-communist.
They where also anti-capitalist.
They were National Socialist. It means they supported things like universal healthcare and social policies for the "racially worthy", through the Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahr, destroying all private charities to do so. It had a welafare state with 1,395.3 billion Reichmarks and the slogan "None shall starve or freeze" (Sounds exactly like something Hotsky would say…)

They preferred state-directed economies over capitalism, fearing the dominance of large businesses who where obviously run by Jews. They really didn't like competition to their power. They also had some prominent actual socialists join such as Ernst Röhm (who was executed, again the Nazis REALLY hate competition to their power) and his Sturmabteilung, the original Nazi paramilitary wing. Joseph Goebbels had once stated that if he had to choose between Bolshevism and capitalism, he would pick the former.

TLDR: The Nazis where an ideological mess. As a group, they where not socialist. But that doesn't automatically make them capitalists, either.


in reply to Platus

I guess this was actually after, since ya ninjad me.

I use the definition used by Stalin and his friends. Call it what you want, but they called themselves Communists and Socialists so I have no reason not to do the same. “Not real socialism” is just as much propaganda as “The Nazis where commies” is. If a word gets misused enough, its bound to stick. Just because Marx made the word doesn't mean it can never change, especially if "misused".

And if we are going by dictionary definitions, it does list “b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state”. Which some of the policies I listed did, so it really does fit. Maybe you should start reading things through more?

Again, for the third time,
At least not as a group.


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