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Kurt Warner's Ghost
Kurt Warner's Ghost

in reply to Articus

They deleted a scene of Luke mourning the death of his best friend Han in favor of keeping Leia flying through space, Chewie eating some porgs and Luke drinking the milk of a literal titty monster.

To say that this is not the last hurrah I envisioned for our OT heroes is quite the understatement.


in reply to BiTronic

I'm with you here.

However, people has lost its once "burning hatred" towards the prequels since it's not longer "cool" to do so. With this in mind, the positive aspects of those movies are now more honestly argued and noticed, while the many negative ones are just a dead horse at this point. So yeah, in general, they are NOT considered good movies, however, they are not as despised as they originally were.

On the other hand the new trilogy is just starting to wake up that burning hatred since its glaring problems are becoming increasingly undeniable and its fans are also becoming increasingly obnoxious.

Depending on how bad the last part of the trilogy is, I can see a new wave of hatred that will bury it and may even be regarded as worse than the prequels.

Personally, I don't think they are THAT bad, however, they did commit a HUGE mistake that fans are starting to notice (even when it was clear from the beginning that they were going for that); no I'm not talking about the lousy, unoriginal, predictable, "by the numbers" writing or the substandard (if not downright awful) characters. I'm talking about the stupid decision to make the entire original trilogy a waste of time: All the sacrifices, all the victories, everything was for naught… everything is more or less where it begin, now this time with inferior settings and characters.


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