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Pearl: crystal gem
Pearl: crystal gem

You know, this made me realize something:

Lately, I have seeing, many, MANY time peoples saying increbily retarded things about things I care about and AGREE with.

Take this picture: The post from PPK is garbage. Pure garbage. Women don't care about a disney princess getting an abortion, they care about actually having the right for a safe, cheap and legal abortion in their state. But this post make me boil in anger for two reasons. The first one, like I said, is because the post is retarded. But the second reason why this post anger me so much is because I AGREE with what PPK is trying to defend (the right for universal abortion in the USA), but they try to make a point with such a stupid argument that it actually hurt their cause and it's giving ammunition to peoples trying to restrain abortion right in the US.

In short, I would agree with the content of the speech if the speech itself wasn't delivered in such a stupid and non-sensical way. And it's happening so much lately! I'm seeing peoples who ultimately defend good causes (I'm left-leaning, it's not a secret) but are such utter moron they end up doing more damages to their causes than their opponents.

I can see the comment section is already filling with comments agreeing with the second post, so please, try to remember that while PPK might act like retards, the actual issue of allowing legal abortion in the entire USA is a good and valid cause.


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