"In mid-May 2018, Fortnite streamer FaZe Tfue referred to another player as a "c---" during a livestream. Following the stream, Tfue was given a 30-day ban for using what was interpreted as a racial slur. On May 17th, Tfue uploaded a video in which he addressed the suspension, claiming the word was not used in a racial context but as a shortened form of "raccoon" in reference to the mask worn by the player's skin." – https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/people/faze-clan
"In mid-May 2018, Fortnite streamer FaZe Tfue referred to another player as a "c---" during a livestream. Following the stream, Tfue was given a 30-day ban for using what was interpreted as a racial slur. On May 17th, Tfue uploaded a video in which he addressed the suspension, claiming the word was not used in a racial context but as a shortened form of "raccoon" in reference to the mask worn by the player's skin." – https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/people/faze-clan
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