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Baron O Beefdip
Baron O Beefdip

in reply to Theundead

For most people it was unexpected/out of left field. Up until now, battlefield's been known as the "realistic shooter", realistic as in they work to emulate the era as best they can while still taking into account that it's a video game (so spare the the hand waving video game logic rebuttals).

Then you have this game where it opens with a british woman (with war paint on her face) on the front lines, which strikes most as odd for a series that tries to air on realism/historical accuracy (to an extent) but for most passable, but then suddenly she whips out a cricket bat that looks like an aztec sword and bludgeons someone with it, and at that moment you start to notice her strange looking arm, and then she reaches it out to the viewer and you see she has a prosthetic arm, a modern day looking one at that.

It's not the fact that she's a woman that has (most) people in a fit, it's that this usually "realistic" war game just suddenly decided to throw in a fortnite character into it as the MC/mascot for a WW2 game that, as of now, hasn't been touted as alternate history.


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