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Star Wars - To Star Wars "fans", boycotting the franchise: There WILL be consequences.

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Chris the Lovable Jerk
Chris the Lovable Jerk

Like what? You've already ruined Luke's character. Carrie's dead so you can't ruin Leia any further. You shoved R2 into a corner and threw a tarp over him for years apparently. You've killed off so much interest in what happens next that toy sales are flopping, a Star Wars movie lost money for the first time (even the CGI Clone Wars movie was technically more successful than Solo), fire promising directors if they want to do something new or different or if they disagree with you, and you let Rian Johnson, a guy who got rejected from film school FIVE times until he wrote a letter whining about how hard the admission process was, throw out Abrams' original outline for the ST and do whatever he wanted and shoot a script that was only a first daft and ignore Mark Hamill's vocal disappointment with the direction of his character.

Coming from someone who absolute loves Star Wars and has been left disappointed and disillusioned with what the ST has done to it, I seriously don't know how you could make it any worse.


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