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Shuffles Deck, Pulls Card - "Those damn white people and their" *Buys plane ticket* *Flies to Beijing* *Visits restaurant* *Crac...

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People should really link the articles :V

The actual problem is even stupider, since it opens with the fact that most don't take "diversity data", so we have no clue how "white" they are in the first place. Of the 14% that actually keeps data, most workers are white and woman. Most of the board members are white (as is most the organization), while slightly favoring men (62%).

More interestingly, the research article connected suggests that organizations describing themselves as "Environmental Justice" organizations, as are parks and playgrounds, and organizations with a budget exceeding 3 million. Recycling facilities, zoos, and wildlife refuges are more likely not to report data.

Of the 2010 census, 72% of America is white. The average staff of the reported was 89.5% white, while the average board was 83.0% white. Not really much of a problem for what I can tell? I am not sure what the issue is supposed to be.


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