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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

in reply to Maxilor64

Pan Pizza gave a pretty good rundown on the show IMO in his most recent "Top 5 Best/Worst new shows" video. He says if you have legitimate issues with the new series that's fine but he finds the "because it's different" complaints stupid because there were people who said the EXACT same stuff about the 2003 Teen Titans show and nowadays it's a show people nostalgically fawn over endlessly (he also shows screenshots of forum posts dating back to 2003 of people going "man fuck this anime bullshit this show is barely like the original comics"). He also said in regards to people complaining about the "body shapes" he finds it silly because the original show used the same body shape for everyone just because it made manufacturing the toys easier, at least the new show gives the characters more distinct designs and does it in a way that makes a level of sense (melee fighters being fit while magic users are pudgy because if you don't need physical strength to fight with magic then there's not much reason to build up muscle or be very athletic).


Still not what the issue was with the new She-Ra. I watched a few episodes and yes it's obnoxious how 'Tumblr-ized' the show is. But the original was a soulless advertisement to sell toys, you can really only improve upon that.


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