- Nine Years Ago, Batman Told Raphael About His Childhood Trauma
- Four Years Ago, A Man Shouted Out One Of His Favorite Genders And Became A Meme
- The 'Wesley Snipes Crying' Meme Appeared In 'New Jack City' 34 Years Ago This Very Day
- The SpongeBob Episode That Gave Us 'Ight, Imma Head Out' Aired On This Date In 2001
- Gets Brainwashed Of Same Thing Comic Has Gotten A Sequel
I don't remember learning about civil rights or the holocaust, but they sure did hammer into us how to convert other people. Other topics: why Catholi...
Uploaded by Matt Jan 22, 2019 at 11:03AM EST
@lesleyhandel hillary clinton the holocaust civil rights christianity religion school
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I find it interesting that #ExposeChristianSchools is trending. I never went to a Christian school, but I WAS forced to take confirmation classes. Being a non believer I was prone to asking questions, but in a very respectful manner. Every time I was made
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Ever wonder why @BetsyDeVosED is so committed to undermining public education? She wants public schools to deteriorate so badly kids are forced into private/charter Christian schools where they can shove theocracy down their throat. #ExposeChristianSchool
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I accept Adam and Eve as well as Adam and Steve. I'd also accept Adam, Eve, and Steve if you wanted to make it interesting. I really don't give af. Don't let a Christian school make you believe otherwise. #ExposeChristianSchools
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*Nobody* is attacking Christians who want to practice their religion. We’re attacking Christians who teach kids to be ashamed of who they are, who teach that science isn’t real, and who promote racism and homophobia in school. #ExposeChristianSchools
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I don’t know if I can properly address all the ways to #exposechristianschools. But here it goes. History classes never reviewed the American Indians’ cultures or the timeline of the Civil Rights Movemenet. Yay white-washed history. 🤢.
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#ExposeChristianSchools - I don't remember learning about civil rights or the holocaust, but they sure did hammer into us how to convert other people. Other topics: why Catholi...
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