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The only argument I ever hear against this is "it's not the same thing". Like… comparisons of 2 fictional scenarios where a crime would be happening in real life are somehow "false equivalence", but comparing real children with fictional ones is somehow true equivalence..? How does it work..? Explain beyond appeals to emotion, people. You cannot just throw the word "pedophile" around and offer nothing else to be believed and expect it to work.

I will even make it easier for you: OK, violence and the like are "false equivalence", so let us stay in the topic of sexual crimes then.

- Vore does not make you a cannibal.
- Body inflation does not make you blow people up until they explode.
- Furry and drawn bestiality do not make you a zoophile.
- Drawn gore does not make you mutilate people and then fuck them.
- Drawn necrophilia does not make you go graverobbing corpses to fuck.
- Cuckolding does not make you fuck someone's wife and commit adultery.

And all of these are allowed, despite all of them constituting crimes as their real-life counterparts, and nobody bats and eye for them.



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