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And if I may add an ever hotter take on this: not only did the whole thing not really affect the remaining members that much, but I even think they are better now after the controversy. Why..? Because, since they have less people now, they do less skits as well, and we all know those were the least funny part of their videos. Now you can see much more of what made the channel what it is: just Doug on his Nostalgia Critic persona doing comedic reviews, without many frills, as it should always have been.

Yes, the whole thing sucked for those affected and it should not have happened, but I can see why James still likes the guys remaining: not only are they close friends who would never drop each other under the bus at the first sight of problems, but also, they are honestly better from the aftermath all of it had, even if just by accident. Same goes for their viewers and reputation, which stayed mostly unchanged for their fans. If Jon could stand up after a relatively equal shitstorm and keep most of his fans and even get new ones, of course Doug could too, and latching on to the past is equally as stupid for both of their cases.


in reply to Zachary Brooks

As in this being a trendy topic..? No, the comment was made in relation to MarzGurl and Vic Mignogna's case:

(one of her bullet points on the image)

And I just thought it relatively important to post since, for some reason, people here get mad when someone brings up JonTron's past blunder, but frequently bring up Channel Awesome's blunder themselves, which seems biased to me, even if we can rightfully argue that one was worse than the other (and you can be sure we would get divided answers on which one was worse depending on who and where you ask).


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