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Okay I am going to be down voted to hell, but here it is: the reason blue live matters is not popular is because as movement is not needed, by that I means that while our cops are brave and they put their life on the line for us, this is part of their job, and even when tragedy strikes the have many many safety nets, hell even in the rare instances they commit a crime the deck is fix for them that rarely they face any repercussion. Also more important they can defend themselves because they have guns. Now Black live matters works, or at least resonates with people because you know it has a reason to exist: Black African American people keep on getting shot while being unarmed and minding their own business, now that doesn't mean that this only happens to them, but they are the group it happens the most alsowhen it happens no safety nets. And yeah there are some bad apples members of BLM, but that is a minority, and lets not forget that all groups have them, even cops.


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