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Bill-Stan, Gaijin Supreme
Bill-Stan, Gaijin Supreme

For real, though, TP Bokoblins always disturbed me on a level Zelda never usually does. They look…Way too human. Like, far too humanlike for a Zelda monster. Now, I'm not saying that they actually look like humans. Hell no. Only compared to other Zelda monsters do they. But man, they just…They wear shorts, have white hair with ponytails and wield sticks, and…there's just something unsettlingly 'savage' about them…Like, they were once humans but through some sequence of events, lost all semblence of humanity and just devolved into feral, primal, drooling subhuman excuses for H. sapiens that show almost no traces of the original…And yet, just by looking at them, you can almost tell from appearance alone that…There was once something more to this creature. It used to be…More like you than what it is now. But any remaining aspects of this 'past self' have been irretrievably lost and are hopelessly gone…One can imagine what's going on inside its mind. Primitive instincts? Fear? Anger? Pain? Whatever the case, it seems likely that the best possible fate it can meet at this point is simply being put out of its misery…Which, being video game mooks, is pretty easy to do.


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