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The problem is the villain is boring because he is so one-note with his misogynistic ways and thats it. He has no depth. Just "im a bad guy and i want to force women to marry me and rape them so i can have strong sons grrrrr". He is a boring villain.

the hero is boring because perfection is boring and you dont ever give her any flaws (call it superman syndrome), She has no flaws, at least not in the new issues. No flaws is fucking boring

The side characters have no real personality either, I swear if i gave you the lines from other heroes and the names of the heroes and the lines, you would never ever EVER guess who said what. They all have the same voice with the expection of the ONE guy who isnt evil, because every other line by him is either "hah, im a guy" or "hey, i fucked up, my bad".

whomever is writing this particular story fucking sucks at writing both characters and story, which is a problem because thats kind of important in a comic.

long story short, its a bad story with boring characters. It just is. It feels like every shitty "omg im a strong female superhero, omg im a misogynistic bad guy" story ever fucking done over the last 5 years. Boring is Boring and this comic is boring as fuck.


But were the movies ever effecting comic sales? It always seemed like most people that enjoyed the MCU that weren't comic readers didn't even bother with them. They're quite divorced from one another.

I'm still honestly surprised that Marvel never tried making a spin-off comic series that's based on the MCU though. Having comics based off the movie characters acting as supplementary material seems like an obvious thing to attempt.


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