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Borderlands 3 - the man is his own worse enemy at this point

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in reply to giraffeman

Allegedly stole $12 million of BDL2 royalties from his own team

Definitely stole money from Sega's Colonial Marines development to spend it on BDL2 development (the case is being settled in court ATM), which is one of th reasons it turned out as shitty as it did

Pulled Duke Nukem expansions from Steam despite not releasing his own versions.

A (disabled) Developer of new iteration of Duke Kiloton Collection โ€“ that was supposed to include every Duke game including ports of previously unavailable on PC Playstation and N64 titles, to which he acquired the rights way before Randy got them. Randy basically threatened him into submission with the fact that the guy couldn't afford the legal proceedings required to win the case should it have been pressed. Then was all smug and condescending about it on twitter. (Google Gearbox vs Gobeille)

For Duke World Tour he basically stole Polymer renderer from eDuke32, rewriting it slightly, to avoid paying Ken Silverman royalties for the Build engine, or crediting eDuke team. Still used Mapster32 from eDuke as a mapping tool, and consultation from Duke modders (without paying them).

Mocked gamers on stage.

Lied in interviews about great many things almost as much as Peter Molyneux or Sean Murray.

Compromised his company by leaving sensitive data along with (in his words) "barely legal" teen porn.

A whole lot of other shit I can't be bothered to remember.


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