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Triplem Moderator

So, ya wanna be a hero, Leon?
Well, whoop-de-do!
I have been around the block before
With cockblocks just like you
Each and everyone a disappointment
Pain for which there ain't no ointment
So much for excuses
Though a Kennedy is
Bodly claiming to me "Fag, no way"
My answer is two words
Just see
God damn
Hell yeah!
I'd given up hope that someone would come along
A fellow who'd knock my sis for once
Not around
The kind who fertilizes
Won't settle for low jizz
At least seminal jizz
But no, I get the green cocks
I've been out to Racoon pal, my lineage down
Obliged to spend risky days and to clean my town
But you need an supporter
A sibling, but wiser
A good sexual trainer
And oh!
There goes that boulder!
I'm down to one last hope
And I hope it's you
Though, boy, you're not exactly
A dream come true
I've trained enough virgins
Who never came in
You're my one last hope
So you'll have to do

Triplem Moderator

in reply to Triplem

Airforce guys have faced the odds
And ended up a frustration
Don't believe the stories
That you read in all the fanfictions
The Redfield blood, kid, is a dying strain
Like birthing a masterpiece, it's a work of vein
It takes no time to screw
Claire is waiting for you
You have to keep making "it" grow
Goddammit Leon!
I'm down to one last shot
And my last donor
Before that blasted Umbrella
Gets my corpse
My dreams are on you, kid
Go make her come, quick
Climb that mount of Venus
Keep pushing that phallus
You're my one last hope
And, boy, it's up to you


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