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- Seven Years Ago, A /Biz/nessman Gave This Memorable Advice On Dealing With Negative Emotions
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- This Random YouTube Comment About A Horse Has Been A Growing Meme Since 2022
I still have the first ever Android phone | r/mildlyinteresting
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Oct 05, 2019 at 02:11PM EDT
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Found some ambergris today! This intestinal excretion from about 1% of sperm whales is used in high end perfumes and is worth around $30-$50 USD a gram | r/mildlyinteresting
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Horten Ho 229. Hitlers stealth fighter in world war 2. It was the first flying wing to be powered by jet engines and reached speeds of 607 mph | r/mildlyinteresting
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It was recently my birthday. I mentioned to my family that I was half curious/ half afraid to see what became of a tree my father planted at our old house when I was born. My brother went by and took a picture. That’s it, in front by the sidewalk! It’s hu
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I got Bell’s palsy (paralysis of half the face) whilst travelling - the girl below me on the bunk bed in the hostel had it on the opposite side | r/mildlyinteresting
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A absolutely tiny Bible I found while going through my Nans stuff. She passed away recently and couldn't see well. This amuses me know to no end. | r/mildlyinteresting
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Mildly Interesting - I still have the first ever Android phone | r/mildlyinteresting
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