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Red H2O
Red H2O

in reply to A Wolf

Dude, this is like if someone hands you a free sandwich, no strings attached, not poisoned, all good. It's not the best kind of sandwich, not your favorite, but hey: it's free, it's pretty well made, and you're obviously hungry or you wouldn't be here.

After they hand you the dish, they wait there, smiling at you. It's not a malicious smile, and they expect no payment in return. For the creator, bringing you some modicum of happiness is enough; a simple smile on your furry face will be more than enough.

In response, you haphazardly flip through the layers of the sandwich, analyzing this gift, looking the proverbial "gift horse" in the mouth. The gift giver becomes nervous as the situation tilts towards the awkward. After what seems like an eternity to them, you shrug.

"Eh. Could have done without mustard, but thanks, I guess." You then take a bite from it in such a way that half of the innards fall out the other side, splatting on the ground in neglectful indifference. A simple piece of art, a subtle joy, thrown away with a shift of the shoulders and a tap of the keys.

You were expected to give nothing, and gave even less.


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