This is a very particular poster. For anyone who does not know, Italy annexed a part of Austria after the first World War. It was called South Tyrol (it's pronounced in another way in German), but now we call it Trentino Alto Adige.
Ever since then, the majority of the population who has Austro-German descent hasn't been happy to be now under Italian government, although their own "kin" in Austria doesn't consider them Austrian either.
As it goes, the eternally seething Austrian talks big, yet never left that Italian region, even though we've earned it with the blood and the effort of millions of our soldiers
I'm saying all of this, because people don't seem to be taking me seriously when I say that this is a banter that has been going on for centuries, possibly even millennias. Through paintings, manifestos, movements, propaganda, posters, murals…
The poster I used for this meme is, quite ironically, anti-Italian propaganda. You can find the original quote easily by looking on Google Images "sudtyrol propaganda".
Usually, in propaganda posters, the enemy is portrayed in silly, ugly, evil or stereotypical ways, however it backfired, making the Italian looking like an absolute badass while stepping over the German/Austrian
As of now, that region is very wealthy, and over the course of the decades, the Italian diaspora became a big part of the region.
We annexed it almost exactly 100 years ago. Needless to say that in the following generations, those minor ethnic resentments will be null.
And yet, there still are, deep down, the Mediterranean took a bite out of the Nordic territory and kept it for himself.
Something those old Nordicists still cannot accept
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J. The Perverted Summoner Moderator
Nov 14, 2019 at 02:43PM EST in reply to
Imperial Guardsman
Nov 14, 2019 at 08:08PM EST