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Basically; what feminists deceptively call a wage gap is more accurately an “average earnings gap.”
The “women’s77 cents to men’s dollar” meme is arrived at by calculated the aggregate of female pay in a year compared to men in the same job, but refused to account for auxiliary factors such as overtime, seniority, price haggling, etc.
Women (generally) under-negotiate starting pay, prioritize an easy work schedule over pay, and leave work entirely for extended period for pregnancy or family management and the like. Men (also generally) are usually more insistent on high starting price, maximize pay and hours, and will sacrifice home life for a consistently lucrative check. This extra experience, drive, and aggressive bargaining accumulates over a lifetime so that men at the back end of working have demonstrated more value as workers and are getting bonuses compared to women (cannot stress enough, in general.) Pay studies that correctly factor in male overperformance essentially eliminates pay descrepency. In fact childless women in their 20s are paid slightly more on average than men with the same job, experience level, and workload.


Given that one of these is trying to plug in an unrelated feminist strawman about how men sit with their thumbnail and the other is just a cartoon that illustrates the title's point, I think I know which one has more credibility of these 2.


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