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Feminism - how come whenever a female lead movie does well, feminists pretend it does not exist?

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Alex Reynard
Alex Reynard

Why does feminism never say anything about Zootopia?

Female lead. Empowering for girls. Directly addresses systemic bias. Smartly-written. Good characters. Gorgeous animation.

Could it possibly be that the film's moral is that bigotry can be overcome through forgiveness and accepting personal responsibility? That being the victim of prejudice doesn't mean you can't also be prejudiced yourself? Or that the villain is shown to be a victim of bullying who turns bitter with resentment and blame, deciding to take their outrage out on everyone who looks like her abuser?

Gosh, I can't imagine why feminists would be so quiet about a movie that says violent prejudice is bad, and forgiving your enemy is good. Hmmm…

PYRO Beatrice
PYRO Beatrice

Aliens and Terminator are weird picks for this argument. Aliens, while starring Ripley for sure, was heavily promoted with the Xenomorphs mind. Weird ass alien things, not (human) women. And Terminator 2 has Arnold fuckin Schwarzenegger as its lead role, not Sarah Connor. She’s super important and one of the main characters, but most people aren’t watching just for her.

Wonder Woman works though, no real argument there (except you could say people will eat up a comic book movie regardless of who’s on the front, but then that begs the question who thought a Charlie’s Angels reboot would get people excited?).


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