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DC Comics - The mainstream media's double standard

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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

Eh… slight devil's advocate here.

In the case of Joker, yeah you're not supposed to idolize his actions as he got pushed to extremes. You are however supposed to sympathize with how the direct and indirect mistreatment of Arthur helped lead him to such extremes, like funding being cut to city mental health services and rich assholes who thought it was okay to beat him up because they felt entitled to treat those of a lower social status like dirt.

In the case of Birds of Prey, Harley is actually meant to be viewed in a more heroic light because she's teaming up with established heroes such as Black Canary and Huntress to protect someone from Black Mask. Maybe it'd be more accurate to say Harley's more of an anti-hero akin to someone like The Punisher, but yeah she isn't supposed to be viewed as a full on villain in that movie.


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