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Baby Nut - What’s next, is the Michelin Man gonna get slashed by Johnny the Homocidal Maniac and then get patch...

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Nox Lucis
Nox Lucis

Personally, I'm much more likely to respond to advertising that shows me the strengths and value of the product, and I'd like to think that most people are the same.

A stunt like this just looks like a huge, silly waste of funds.


The history of advertising is the history of how big of a lie they can tell with nobody questioning why they would need to lie about that.

At its inception, it was about lying that their product is definitively better at doing what their product does than the competition in every way.

As it continued, it became about lying that their product would make you happy, successful, and get you things you want.

Now it's about lying that they have a soul, that they recognize emotions in their fellow man, and that they in some capacity care about you.

Join us in 2030 when it evolves again and advertising becomes about lying that they WON'T murder you in broad daylight nor are they harvesting your dreams to train their AIs to be .1% more efficient.


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