This headline reminded me of a specific scene | /r/OnePunchMan
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Feb 13, 2020 at 03:24PM EST
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Do you think eventually other C-class or B-Class heroes are going to look up to saitama because of how he climb the Ranks,making him look like a underdog who started at the bottom and making his way to the top, instead of already being A or S-class | /r/O
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If someone who doesn't know about opm saw this panel, he would think Genos is an asshole | /r/OnePunchMan
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Garou probably wondering where is the nearby RoadRoller in the monster cave so that can he perform "WRRRRRYYYYYYY" finisher move | /r/OnePunchMan
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One-Punch Man - This headline reminded me of a specific scene | /r/OnePunchMan
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