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in reply to Ashki

That's what the image is saying. Sonic fans don't give a shit. It's just some anti-SJW reactionaries jumping on the Sonic movie bandwagon to make up some entirely imagined rivalry between the two films because they really just want to dunk on a movie that some woke progressives seemed to like.

Ultima Casting Brachiosaurus
Ultima Casting Brachiosaurus

Well obvious fake BoP bots did it first then the media jumped on it.. Its more of an Alita vs Captain Marvel incident. Also it didn't help that when Paramount initially announced they were going to change the design. SJWs said listening to toxic gamer fans sets a bad precedent and it was changing Sonic that bankrupt the animation studio (which was a misunderstanding).
Also you can't help but make comparisons when one move embraced their demographic and was successful when the other not only rejected their demographic but also marketed the movie as super yas queen woke. When in reality it was only a little yas queen woke.

BoP bots; also the Sonic movie was doomed to media sjw hate and the "culture war" the EXACT moment Paramount didnt jump on the fans are toxic bandwagon.


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