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As funny as this is, the problem is precisely that people with Corona do NOT feel like shit, since the virus has a long incubation period, somewhere between 15 and 30 days, and it has no symptoms for all that time while still being highly contagious. After these people are done making plans, executing them and having interacted with a bunch of people, only then does the virus feel like showing the first symptoms, and even then, early symptoms are pretty much just the same as flu, so you still cannot be sure with just a bit of coughing.

So yes, that is basically a full month of being completely blind about the highly contagious virus unless you specifically get checked for it, which is only done for people that went in contact with previously known cases of people that had it. There is good reason why it went as badly as it has so far, after all. It is no common flu that gets away with staying in bed and doing nothing for a day or 2.


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