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Chinese Virus - ...I wonder how Hong Kong’s doing during all of this.

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That is actually a good point. Nobody was shouting "racism" when China was rightfully getting dunked on about the whole Hong Kong protests, but say that the Chinese virus comes from China and suddenly that is where the line is drawn, even though both events share the same common factor of the CCP doing whatever they feel like with complete disregard for other nations.

Even Trump's stance on both is similar: supports Hong Kong and denounces the CCP for the virus' mishandling, so, against China for both, so I have no idea why him being against China for one was OK and never decried, but doing the same for the other is racist. At worst, him calling it "Chinese Virus" is not the best of priorities on his part when he should be worrying about healthcare first and foremost, but still a far shot from a "racist attack against innocent Asian people".


in reply to Nedhitis

It's because going out of your way to just call a disease "China virus" is not criticism of the terrible handling of the disease by the CCP, it's just tying the disease to a different country, where criticising the police brutality in Hong Kong is very clearly a criticism specifically of the government regime.

Also, in the case of the disease, it's clearly being done to draw attention away from his own poor handling of the crisis. Just because the response of the Chinese government was even worse doesn't absolve the Trump administration of its incompetence.

It is a strawman. Literally nobody is being called a racist for simply saying that the CCP handled Coronavirus horrendously, or that China's authoritarian government are corrupt. They're being called racist/xenophobic for calling the disease "China virus". Conflating the two is almost being deliberately obtuse.


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