Just need one more orb | /r/Runescape/
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Apr 13, 2020 at 04:21PM EDT
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Loot from ~1600 Big Game Hunter since release of Archaeology. 14 Mattocks so far! | /r/Runescape/
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Just as I was about to take a break from Arch and do some BGH to hunt for a D mattock this happens. I'm ecstatic! Truly having a lot of fun with this skill. | /r/Runescape/
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Cosmetic Free Worlds would be nice.. Like Legacy only worlds but instead of for people who hate abilities it’s for people who hate the wings and sparkles. The game looks like IMVU now. | /r/Runescape/
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This Egg thief plummeted to his death immediately after spawning, apparently | /r/Runescape/
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