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Triplem Moderator

Among other things:
- how does a company count as "double traitor", exactly? Is he actually counting each iteration of public support from those companies, or is it the same as calling the above poster triple gay?
- Would he bother adding a color sorting to his labelling to at least make the list any bearable to read?
- How dare he attack mah boi Sungwon?
- How are the Beatles as a whole on the list despite George Harrison and Jonh Lennon munching on dandelion roots since several decades, and thus having their mouthes too full to have spoken about George Floyd as of lately?

Bungus Fungus
Bungus Fungus

"Enemies of America include the following:
- Nintendo
- Dungeons & Dragons
- Sesame Street
- Fun
- Happiness
- 99% Of Humanity
- 99% Of The 1% Of The 99% Of Humanity That Isn't Me
- Sunlight
- My Dad
- Zach From Middle School
- My Grandma's Poodle Who Bit Me In The Weewee
- Football"


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