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Duke Bruh
Duke Bruh

I still won't get over how little representation Wario Land got in Smash.
I know Wario Ware is pretty popular in Japan and we got the Shoulder Bash back in Ultimate but come on it deserves much more from his original games despite being one of my mains,especially a new Land Game.


in reply to Duke Bruh

You wanna know the worst part?

Sakurai went on record stating that at a point in Melee’s development, he could either design one unique character or 5 clones, and went with the clones for more variety. The top character he had in mind for the unique slot was Wario.

Melee was developed from 1999 to 2001. That’s 2 years before WarioWare came out in Japan as Made in Wario.

Somewhere, in some alternate universe, there’s a Smash Bros with a Wario Land focused Wario.


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