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Skary Spookster
Skary Spookster

Fire Emblem also does the whole "the dead generic units have names and stories" and "the characters have lives ahead of them so treat them with care" thing much better than TLOU2.

Also, if you keep getting your replacement characters killed, you get soldiers with names like "Owend," "Wymp," "Laim," "Auffle," "Lucer," "Rejek," and "Wieklin" just so the game can tell you that you suck at it.


Ironically enough Shadow Dragon DS and its Japan exclusive sequels almost killed the Fire Emblem series, Shadow Dragon sold so bad internationally they didn't bother to localize its sequel. They where going to shelve the series due to those titles and Radiant Dawn "under performing". Is kind of amazing how a single game (FE Awakening) saved the series and now Fire Emblem which was one of Nintendo most niche series has become one of its core properties, only other example I can think off is Animal Crossing.


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