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in reply to Akman

I think its just hes willing to waste like 100 hours of his life writing, recording and uploading an 8 hour epic review taking down a stupid popcorn movie that's less then a third of the length of the review. The problems with the star wars reboot are not that deep, you don't need to go over them with a fine tooth comb.


in reply to A_severed_arm

The Force Awakens is 2h15m long, this shit is almost 9 hours, that's not dissecting, that's simply not being able to make a good point. Not to mention the real critique starts in part 2, who the hell needs 162 minutes for an introduction?! Lol, imagine if JJ Abrams actually wanted help from these videos, the poor guy had to finish The Last Skywalker before part 3 dropped.


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